Herd Immunity (& other lies)

Herd Immunity is a made up concept, it doesn’t exist. It is an attractive idea, the idea that once we have been infected we build immunity so once enough of the population have been infected we can stop worrying. If some number of millions of people have to die while we get there then that is just the cost we have to pay.

Only we don’t build immunity to Covid. People are regularly getting reinfected in as little as 4 or 5 weeks, in a world based on facts this would end the discussion. The worse news is that risk of long term illness from each Covid reinfection is cumulative. A recent infection probably provides some protection from becoming severely ill, there is no evidence to suggest it lowers the risk of developing Long Covid or other longer term post covid conditions.

Immunity debt

Scientists studying Covid have been predicting surges in bacterial infections, loss of cognitive ability, coronary illness and many other illnesses since early in the pandemic. Now these things are materialising, but instead of funding research, governments have just dialled up the gas lighting and invented something called Immunity Debt. Unprecedented numbers of children are sick from school apparently because their immune systems were weakened by lockdown. Experts explaining this is not how the immune system works or even pointing out that the same things are being seen in countries that did not lock down - does not concern the people telling the lies, they just double down. Children doing worse in exams is because they missed school, even in countries where they didn’t miss school. Healthy people having heart attacks is because working from home is bad for your health. We are in a post fact world, it would be funny if it wasn’t actually happening.